Our Lady of Consolation Council and Court #411

On October 15 ,2023 the Lady Auxilliary received their charter from Peter Claver,completely a council and court 411. Micaela LeBlanc, Supreme Lady of the national Ladies Auxiliary, traveled from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for the event, and more than 40 other Auxiliary members from nine states, including South Carolina, Florida, Arizona and Alabama, also attended.
“This is a truly historic event for the Ladies because this is not something we do every day,” LeBlanc said. “We’re here to expand the glory of God by spreading the Catholic presence here in Charlotte.”
Members of the Knights of Peter Claver and the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary celebrated the inauguration of the organization’s first chapter in the Diocese of Charlotte Oct. 15 at Our Lady of Consolation Parish in Charlotte.
On June 10, 2023 ,The Knights of Our Lady Of Consolation recieved their charter ,forming Council 411. Founded in 1909, the Knights of Peter Claver work to further the legacy of their patron saint, who ministered to African slaves in Cartegena, Colombia during the 17th century. The Jesuit priest routinely met docking ships to provide food, medical aid and spiritual instruction to slaves, ultimately baptizing an estimated 300,000 over four decades.Currently,chapter 411 is trying to raise 2 million dollars in a capital campaign so the parishioners can move back into the sanctuary.

Knights of Peter Claver-Assembly 29

Grand Knight Edward Marsh Presents Sheriff Mcfadden His 2023 Law Enforcement of Courage Award at the Knights Gala.

The Lady Auxillary and the Junior Knights and Daughters
The Junior Knights and Junior Daughters are the youth divisions of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary.

Kansas City metropolitan area

Council #89 – Fort Worth, Texas
Spreading FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE through Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity
The Ladies Auxiliary was authorized in August 1922 and was recognized as a division of the Order in August, 1926. With strong support of the Catholic Church throughout the years, the Order now has over 700 subordinate units throughout the United States and a unit in Colombia, South America. Headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, the Order is comprised of over 18,000 Catholic family members. The Order is a member of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights.

St. Felicitas – St. Ailbe Court #181
The Junior Knights Division was founded in 1917. The Junior Daughters Division was founded in 1930.

Council and Court #57

We are currently developing a national project to combat childhood obesity
African American History: Knights of Peter Claver Celebrating 100 Years
Celebrate the feast of St. Peter Claver, patron of the missions to African people and human rights defender

The Order engages in several national service projects and is a major supporter of the United Negro College Fund.
The Order has received the Apostolic Benediction of the Most Holy Father in Rome on many occasions. The Order also has the Approbation of Their Eminences and of Their Excellencies, The Cardinals and The Most Reverend Archbishops and Bishops, throughout the Archdioceses and Dioceses in which the Order has Councils and Courts. In the United States of America the Order operates in over 58 Archdioceses and Dioceses.
The Order has participated in the charitable appeals of many Catholic institutions, and made many noteworthy contributions to various local, state and national organizations including, but not limited to, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Urban League, Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation, Xavier University Development and Expansion Fund, The Sister Thea Bowman Black Catholic Educational Foundation.